5th KES International Symposium
Modern transportation systems have been transforming rapidly in recent years. A series of vehicle technology innovations have blossomed in the past couple decades, just to mention a few examples, connected vehicles, self-driving cars, electric vehicles, Hyperloop, and even flying cars, which has imposed fundamental change on transport systems across the world.
These innovations and breakthroughs have motivated researchers on Smart Transportation Systems (ITS) to expand the frontiers of relevant concepts and skillsets, which will affect the transport infrastructure modelling, safety analysis, freeway operations, intersection analysis, and other related leading edge topics.
The KES International hybrid Symposium on Smart Transportation Systems provides an opportunity for researchers, engineers, manager and students to meet, present their work and find out about the latest developments on the subject.
The Full Papers conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing in Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science. (The Short Papers and Abstracts conference proceedings will be published online and will not appear in the Springer volume).
Smart Digital Futures
Thank you for attending Smart Digital Futures 2022
SDF-2022 multi-conference organised by KES International covered six leading edge smart topics. The conferences took place in Rhodes, Greece, the largest of Greece's Dodecanese islands. An island of incredible culture, it is known for its beach resorts, ancient ruins and remnants of its occupation by the Knight of St. John during the Crusades.
You can access the SDF-22 Google photos album ..here.. By joining the album, we welcome you to add your own photos of your SDF-22 experience.
The conference was part of the Smart Digital Futures 2022 multi-theme hybrid conference which groups AMSTA-22, HCIS-22, IDT-22, InMed-22, SEEL-22 and STS-22 in one venue.
The event took place at the Sheraton Rhodes Resort and via the KES Online Conference Centre.
Best Paper Award
The winner of the Best Paper Award for KES-STS-22 was sts22-010 - Dynamic control method of electric bus on bus lane
Authors: Yuting Ji, Jinhua Ji, Associate Professor Yiming Bie
All information on this site is provisional at this stage and subject to change.